Sunday, December 26, 2004

What is the PURPOSE of religion? And Who created this Universe?

Many people spend enormous energies trying to find an answer to this question, including me. What's more, many argue between one religion or the other. But I have come to realize recently, there isn't a difference between a 'right' religion or a 'wrong' one, no more than there is a difference between the words 'yes' and 'yeah'.

To me the facts are simple: this universe is created by a greater being. And all the pleasure in life such as breathing the crisp morning air, falling in love, listening to your favorite song, or seeing your young ones grow up, are God's gifts to us. We in turn must thank God for all his/her blessings. So whether you send your prayers by going to the Mosque on Fridays or attending Church on Sundays, that is simply your choice. And what about those who hasn't found a way to touch or be touched by God? Well coming back to my first question; the PURPOSE of religion is to SHOW you the ways to touch and be touched by God.

And what if you don't believe in God? Let me address my second question now. I once found it hard to believe in something I can't see, feel or touch (read=God). But then I realized some simple facts: the universe can't come into existense by itself, no more than a dog came into being without her mother, or a plant from a seed, or air and water without the sun, or a car without machines and men to build it. Heck, not even NOTHINGNESS can exist by itself without the existense of SOMETHING so there's SOMETHING ELSE (read=Nothingness) to exist. So someone must have created all of this .. right?

Make sense?


At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't make sense.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, all the good we experience is a gift from God. The problem with saying that "all religions are ways to be touched and touch God" is that you can only claim this from a superfical level. There are similar general characteristics of many religions, but not ALL. And there lies the problem. Some hold ideas that are truly against God's character and that many would consider "evil." (For example, the religion that asks you to kill others to be good) And if you try and determine which religions are "good" and fit into the statement that all religions are ways to be touched by God, you are in fact playing the part of god by determining what is a true religion. I would encourage you to dig deeper into different religions, I think you will find the differences and I pray the truth as well.

Yes, someone did create us all, and I like you, when I look around all that I touch, breath, and see every day, and the tremendous order and balance that surround me, have a difficult time dismissing it as just "chance." My car did not just "evolve" and this world is tremendously more comlex that what I get into every day. And, if it is more complex and God went to the effort to create a world of order, I know he did not just stop there, I know he also created a way to communicate with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Believing in Christ is not a blind faith, and it is not a system of "right and wrongs", it is a belief in how I need Him to cleanse me from my sins and how He lived a perfect life so I could enter into a eternal relationship with Him. I want to live for Him not because I fear him, but because He loves me.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is a completely neutral energy, almost like a computer. We are the creators. We are his arms and voice. Many other voices have joined this battle of life and it's really up to us what to do with it. Praying to some god is not going to help. We are God, your cat is, so is you car and wife and children and what have you. The big bang is an explosion of neutral energy. There is just as mush positive engergy as negative in this universe or any other for that. Atoms are created the same way(electron/protons).
Religions(most of them)is a political tool. Just pray and everything will be fine.
Christianity was created when most of the Roman legion army was loosing support. The majority of the people would'nt fight for the Romans as they believed in Christ, not the multiple gods Rome had at the moment.
The emperor, can't remember his name right now, changed the national religion to Christianity and received more support in the end.
Enough support for wars to come.
If everybody Believes in buddha the powers at be will switch to Buddhism and we'll be fighting wars in the name of Buddha instead.
None of is supporting any god, were only supporting some political infra structure.
We are God and we create it's own creation. We also detroy it. We are more powerful than you think.
There is nothing wrong with religion, they come from good people. They did speak with God. They spoke with God when they realized that God is us, not oustside of us. It's what we've made out of these peoples wisdom that's destroying the world today.

Peace love and common sense.


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